Vzhledem k tomu, že dostáváme spoustu dotazů kam nám blog zmizel, proč se nezobrazuje (a ano i my samy občas napíšeme odkaz špatně :D), rozhodly jsme se na starou doménu dát článek, v kterém bude nová doména. Takže když se spletete stějně jako my, jen kliknete na odkaz a hned budete přesměrovány na novou adresu:)
Since we are getting lot of questions about where did our blog go, why doesn't it show up (and yes even we sometimes type up the wrong address :D), we decided to put an article on this old address to remind you and us of the new blog address. Therefore if you are sometimes having problems like we do, just click on the link and you will be taken to the brand new blog:)
Since we are getting lot of questions about where did our blog go, why doesn't it show up (and yes even we sometimes type up the wrong address :D), we decided to put an article on this old address to remind you and us of the new blog address. Therefore if you are sometimes having problems like we do, just click on the link and you will be taken to the brand new blog:)
S pozdravem,
Gábina a Veronika